Are you or want to become an Automation Test Engineer? then you must check those most frequently asked Selenium interview questions for freshers and experienced.
We have listed the top 40 most frequently asked Selenium interview questions for freshers and 2 years / 5 years experience, including Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium Grid, and Selenium WebDriver interview questions.
This technology post of selenium interview questions covers all of the critical selenium interview questions as well as the advanced Selenium Automation framework.
Selenium is a popular automation testing tool that is widely used by developers to test web applications. Most of the time, the selenium interview question tool is popular for browser-based applications, not API testing or unit testing.
Selenium is one of the best and most popular automated test suites in the IT industry. It’s a browser automation tool that enables you to perform automated operations like clicking, tapping, and selecting from a webpage drop-down menu. Selenium Web Driver is a popular testing tool used by large companies these days.

Basic Selenium Interview Questions for Freshers
Below you will find the most important Basic Selenium Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers that are frequently asked in an interview for 0 to 2 Years experience job position.
Question 1) What is a Selenium Testing Tool?
Selenium is a free (open-source) automated testing framework used to automate tests across browsers for web applications.
Question 2) History of Selenium Testing Tool
Selenium was originally developed by J. Huggins in 2004 as an internal tool at CharchWorks. Huggins later joined other programmers and testers at ChallingWorks before Paul Hammant joined the team and led the development of the second mode of operation that would later become “Selenium Remote Control” (RC). This tool was opened that year.
Question 3) What are the main components of Selenium testing tools?
Selenium is made up of several components:
- Selenium IDE
- Selenium remote control (Selenium RC)
- Selenium Web Driver
- Selenium GRID
- Selenium client API
Question 4) How do you define selenium?
Selenium is a popular open-source suite of tools for browser automation. It consists of an IDE, a recording and playback mechanism, a web driver, and remote control (RC) that provide an API for browser automation and GRID. Selenium is a robust test automation suite.
Question 5) What are the different components of selenium?
The different components of selenium are:
- Selenium IDE (Selenium Integrated Development Environment)
- Selenium RC (Selenium remote control)
- Selenium Web Driver
- Selenium grid
Question 6) What is Selenium IDE?
Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is an open-source web automation testing tool framework in the Selenium Suite. Selenium IDE is a Firefox plugin. Selenium IDE is a script recording and playback tool.
Question 7) When to use selenium IDE?
Selenium IDE is the simplest and simplest of all the tools in the Selenium package. The purpose of creating the Selenium IDE is to increase the speed of test case creation.
Question 8) What is the latest Selenium tool?
Question 9) What is Selenium Web Driver?
These are the basic Selenium Interview questions asked in an interview. Selenium Web Driver is browser automation software that accepts commands and resends them to a browser. Selenium Web Driver communicates directly with the web browser and uses its native compatibility for automation. Selenium Web Driver has more advanced functions than Selenium RC and Selenium IDE. Selenium Web Driver takes a better approach to automating browser activity. Selenium Web Driver controls the browser through direct communication. Selenium Web Driver supports Java, C #, PHP, Python, Perl and Ruby.
Question 10) How do I start the browser with WebDriver?
The following syntax can be used to start the browser:
WebDriver Driver = New FirefoxDriver();
WebDriver Driver = New ChromeDriver();
WebDriver Driver = New InternetExplorerDriver();
11) What are the benefits of selenium?
The benefits of selenium are as follows:
- Selenium is free and open source.
- Selenium supports distributed testing.
- Selenium supports several programming languages.
- Selenium has a fresh and regular repository development.
- Selenium supports various operating systems such as Windows, Linux and Mac OS
- Selenium supports cross-browser and platform compatibility.
- Selenium supports powerful methods of finding items.
- Selenium automation scripts that are suitable for both non-programmers and programmers.
12) Why should Selenium be chosen as a testing tool?
Below are some of the reasons why Selenium is the preferred testing tool.
- Selenium is a free and open-source tool.
- Selenium has a large user base and helps communities online.
- Selenium Cross-browser compatibility with Different browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.
- Selenium provides platform compatibility with Windows, Mac OS, Linux, etc.
- Selenium supports multiple programming languages like Java, C #, Ruby, Python, Pearl, etc.
- Selenium has fresh and regular repository developments.
- Selenium supports distributed tests.
13) What are the limitations of Selenium?
The limitations of selenium are:
- Selenium only supports web-based applications.
- Mobile and desktop applications cannot be tested with selenium.
- Barcode readers and captcha can’t be tested with selenium tools.
- Selenium does not support the bitmap comparison.
- You need to rely on third party tools like Testing or jUnit to write test scripts and generate reports.
- Selenium users need to know the programming language for using selenium.
14)What different tests does selenium support?
The different tests supported by Selenium are:
- Functional test
- Regression tests
- Cross-browser testing
- Testing the user interface
- Integration tests
- Sanity testing
- Smoke test
- Responsive testing
15) What types of tests can selenium support?
Selenium supports the following types of tests:
- Functional test
- Regression tests
Selenium Interview Questions for Experienced
Below you will find the most important advanced Selenium Interview Questions and Answers for the experience that are frequently asked in an interview for a 3, 5 to 10 Years experience job position.
16) Which one is faster, XPath or CSS?
CSS is faster than XPath.
17) What are Elevated Privileged Browsers?
If the browsers are opened with some predefined settings (instance with special privileged mode), e.g. B. with certain profiles or certificates, one speaks of sessions with elevated privileged browsers.
We can start a browser with Selenium with profiling or set certificates for the same purposes.
18) What is Headless Browser Selenium and how do we perform headless browser tests?
A headless browser is a simulation program for the browser in which we have no user interface, but we can run the tested application in invisible mode and run the web operation you want in the background.
We use HeadLess browser drivers like the HTMLUNIT driver or the PhantomJS driver to run headless browser tests.
19) How do I set the window size in selenium?
We can create an object of the Dimension class and pass that object to the setSize () method:
Dimension dimension = new Dimension(480,700);
20) How do I check the font size of a WebElement with a Selenium Webdriver?
We can use the getCssValue (“Font Size”) method.
String fontSize = driver.findElement(By.xpath("XPATH_of_the_Element")).getCssValue("font-size");
20) How do I get tooltip text in selenium?
Getting the tooltip text of a web element is nothing more than getting the title attribute of the web element in the following way:
public String getToolTipData(By locator){
WebElement element=driver.findElement(locator);
return element.getAttribute("title");
21) How do I deal with tabs in selenium?
We can use a list to save all the available tabs and use driver.getWindowHandles() to save the tabs. After that, we can treat the tabs one by one in the following approach, e.g.
public void switchToTab(int indexOfTab) {
try {
ArrayList<String> tabs = new ArrayList<String>(driver.getWindowHandles());
driver.switchTo().window(tabs.get(indexOfTab));"Successfully switched to tab with tab index as : " + indexOfTab);
} catch (Exception e) {
String exceptionData = e.getCause().getMessage();
BASE_LOGGER.error("Unable to Switch to Tab for :" + indexOfTab + " i.e failed with exception as : " + exceptionData);
22) How do I highlight an item in Selenium WebDriver?
We can use JavascriptExecutor to set the color of the web element by mentioning the element.
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("id_of_the_element"));
JavascriptExecutor jsExecutor = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
jsExecutor.executeScript("arguments[0].setAttribute('style', 'background: red; border: 2px solid red;');", element);
23) How do I double-click in selenium?
We can use the Actions class in Selenium to do the DoubleClick operations in the following way. The following method takes one argument for which you must execute DoubleClick.
public void doubleClick(By locator) {
try {
WebElement element = driver.findElement(locator);
Actions actions = new Actions(driver).doubleClick(element);"Performed the double Click on the Element : " + locator);
} catch (StaleElementReferenceException e) {
BASE_LOGGER.error("Element is not attached to the page document " + e.getCause().getMessage());
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
BASE_LOGGER.error("Element " + locator + " was not found in DOM " + e.getCause().getMessage());
} catch (Exception e) {
BASE_LOGGER.error("Element " + locator + " was not clickable " + e.getCause().getMessage());
24) List of Different Types of WebDriver APIs in Selenium?
- Chrome driver
- Firefox driver
- Gecko driver
- Internet Explorer driver
- Safari driver
- Opera driver
- htmlunit driver
- PhantomJS driver
- Android driver
- iPhone driver
- EventFiringWebDriver
25) How many ways can you achieve headless execution with selenium?
We can use the following drivers to achieve headless automation with Selenium:
- PhantomJS driver
- htmlunit driver
26) Do you mention different approaches to handling a window-based popup with Selenium Webdriver?
You can use the following approaches to handle window-based applications such as the window popup:
- With robot class
- With a key class in selenium
- With the integration of Sikuli
- With the integration of AutoIt and Jacob (Java com Bridge)
27) How are logging scenarios designed in the Selenium framework?
You can use log4j for logging or use the real-time logging and debugging dashboard implementation with Graylog, which uses ElasticSearch in the backend for real-time logging and debugging details.
28) What is StaleElementException?
An obsolete element means that a web element is no longer linked to the previously existing DOM/website. In this case, selenium throws an exception for stale items.
This can happen for a number of reasons, such as B. due to AJAX or JavaScript calls that change the status
of the element makes it unavailable / disconnected from the DOM.
29) How do I check the font of a web element in Selenium Webdriver?
String fontSize = driver.findElement(By.xpath("XPATH_of_the_Element")).getCssValue("font-type");
30) What is the main difference between a website production facility and website element design (POM)?
A common selenium interview request. A website production facility is an approach to ramp up internet components within website things as circumstances evolve. On the other hand, the website version is a course that mentions the websites and maintains their features.
31) How exactly is the type ALT/SHIFT/CONTROL sent in Selenium WebDriver?
In general, we use tricks like ALT, Change, or Control and incorporate them into various other tricks to activate a feature. We can’t just click on them alone. We need to give two approaches to the function of maintaining these tricks while adhering to the tricks & nbsp;
Pressed: keyUp (modifier_key) and & nbsp; keyDown (modifier_key)
Parameter: Modifier_key (keys.ALT or Keys.SHIFT or Keys.CONTROL)
Purpose: The function is to perform a modifier keypress without starting the modifier trick. Holding on to the communication might think it is moving forward.
Parameter: Modifier_key (keys.ALT or Keys.SHIFT or Keys.CONTROL)
Purpose: The function is that it makes a crucial start.
So, with a mix of these two approaches, we can capture the unique characteristics of a particular trick.
32) How do you delete cookies in selenium?
Use the below command to delete the cookies in selenium:
33) Explain the approach to how to read the Javascript variable in Selenium Webdriver.
We need to use JavascriptExecutor to do this.
JavascriptExecutor jsExecutor = (JavascriptExecutor) webdriver;
String jsVariable = (String.valueOf(jsExecutor.executeScript("return document.title")));
34) How exactly do we take screenshots in Selenium WebDriver?
The TakeScreenshot With this function, you can take a screenshot in Selenium Webdriver. In addition, you can get the screenshot capture by clicking & getScreenshotAs() technique.
Send scrFile = ((TakeScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(outputType.FILE);
35) Why choose selenium over various other automatic screening devices?
Selenium is open source. It’s really easy to set up unlike various other automated devices on the market. Because of this factor, numerous companies receive automated selenium screening via various other standard approaches.
36) What are the numerous exceptions in Selenium WebDriver?
Similar to any other programming language, you can find exceptions with selenium. You can find exception compliance in Selenium WebDriver:
TimeoutException: You receive this exception if a command does not carry out any activity within the defined time.
NoSuchElementException: You receive this exception if a component with the properties offered cannot be found on a website.
ElementNotVisibleException: You receive this exception if a component is available in the Record Things version, but it is not displayed on the website.
StaleElementException: You receive this exception if a component is not appended to or removed from the record version.
37) Explain the selenium exemption test
The exemption that you expect to be thrown within an exam course is an exemption exam. If you create a test instance that means that an exception will be thrown, you must use the @test note and additionally specify in the criteria which exception would be thrown with certainty.
As an example
@Test (expectedException = NoSuchElementException.class)
38) How to judge if an element exists?
Determine if an element exists and is different and determine if it exists means that if the element does not exist at all, it will throw a NoSuchElementException
So you can use try-catch if catch for NoSuchElementException returns false
39) How to judge if an element appears?
There are two situations to determine whether an element appears: the first is that the element does not exist at all and, naturally, does not appear, the other is that there is such an element, but it is in a hidden state.
You can determine if it exists first, if it does not exist, return false, if it exists, then determine if it is displayed
40) How to improve the efficiency of the automatic execution of selenium scripts?
- Optimizing test cases without using as much sleep as possible, reducing the use of ImplicitlyWait.When
- using wait/FluentWait with selenium can optimize wait times
- Using Selenium Grid for Concurrent Execution Through Testing
- Some unstable dynamic controls work through JS
- The overloaded TestNG listener implements a retry mechanism to improve the success rate of test cases
- It reduces the use of IE drivers, IE execution efficiency is too low!