One of the hardest things for college students is time management. There is only so much time in the day for stuff to get done. College students must figure out a way to get everything done, which includes work, homework, school, and everything else in between.
That also includes having an active social life. Using an essay writing service is just one way to help busy students better manage their time, but here are some others.

Time Management Tips for College Students
Following are the some of the best Time Management Tips for Busy College Students.
1. Figure Out Time-Wasting Activities
One of the first things that busy students need to do is figure out where they are wasting too much time. They need to identify what draws their attention away from homework, school classes, or anything else. For example, when sitting down doing homework, are they getting distracted with social media? Or perhaps they are just aimlessly browsing online when they are supposed to be studying.
After identifying time-wasting activities, students can consciously stop engaging in them during study or homework time. They can use those activities as a reward for getting their tasks accomplished.
2. Create a List of Things to Get Done
With a busy schedule, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and think that there is no way you can get everything done. Hiring an essay writing service is one way to get writing assignments done, but what about everything else? The best thing a student can do is list everything they need to accomplish for the week.
Once all of the activities have been identified, they need to prioritize all of the tasks. The best way to prioritize a list is to start with how long the assignment will take and when it’s due. Having a plan allows students to see exactly what needs to be done and can help them remain focused.
3. Don’t Try Multitasking
All too often, super-busy students try their hand at multitasking so they can get more than one thing done. The problem is that multitasking isn’t very efficient, even if a student thinks it might be. A study out of London actually discovered that multitasking leads to a drop in IQ. It’s quite similar to somebody who didn’t sleep the night before trying to get stuff done; their mind is all over the place.
Students trying to juggle more than one assignment or problem at a time will be less productive. To prevent the urge to multitask, it’s best if students turn off any extra devices, close extra browser windows, and avoid anything else that might draw their focus. Most importantly, don’t switch tasks until the one being worked on is complete.
4. Create Routines
Establishing a routine is one of the best time management tips that a busy college student can follow. Establishing a routine to follow allows busy students to plan out when it’s best to get specific tasks done. For example, if the dorm is quietest in the morning, it’s best to use that time to study.
Another way to create a routine is to set time aside after each meal or class to get a specific subject taken care of. The more a routine is followed, the easier it becomes until it is simply a habit.